Complete Ascent/Entry Systems Procedures (AESP) Checklist & Control Panel printouts, used in training/mission preparation and heavily annotated throughout.
Consists of 31 double-sided pages in 8 tabbed sections. The checklist is accompanied by 18 color printouts of the various Orbiter control panels. Annotations in the checklist refer to these printouts, indicating the control panel images were used along with the checklist (perhaps for study or preparation).
The AESP checklist was used by the "back seat" Mission Specialists (MSs) during Launch and Entry. It contains copies of the cue cards and flip-books used by the "front-seat" commander and pilot, allowing the MS to follow along in the checklists and back up the front seaters. The Ascent Checklist contains the nominal and ascent abort procedures, while the AESP contains the malfunction procedures. The checklist is usually kept on the knee of the MS for easy reference.
Originally obtained from a KSC technician. Unfortunately, I have no information on who used this checklist, nor for which mission it was prepared. The inscription in the footer of each card clearly indicates that this is the AESP checklist for ALL missions, Generation K edit (which dates it to c. 2002).
Don't miss this opportunity to own a complete, vintage AESP checklist that was used during the Shuttle Program! With this complete set, you too can train like an astronaut!
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