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Mir-Flown Russian Orlan Wrist Mirror (Soyuz TM-30/Mir-28)

Russian Orlan EVA wrist mirror from the private collection of Soyuz TM-30/Mir-28 Commander Sergei Zaletin.  This mirror was flown onboard the Mir station during Mir-28, the 28th and final resident crew mission (Expedition EO-28) to the Mir Space Station.  


The mirror was carried to the space station on Soyuz-TM 30, which launched from Baikonur Cosmodrome on  4 April 2000, docking with the space station on 6 April 2000, after a 2 day solo flight, spending a total of 81 days in space, and 79 days onboard the space station in earth orbit.  The mirror returned to earth with the crew on 16 June 2000 (also on Soyuz TM-30). The crew conducted one spacewalk during this mission.  


Although this mirror is flown, it was not used on EVA.  Rather, it was a spare that was brought back to Earth as a personal memento with flight commander Zaletin.  


The mirror is signed on the reverse by Commander Zaletin, and is accompanied by a certificate certifying flown status (also signed by Zaletin), as well as a photo of Zaletin holding the mirror after the mission.

Orlan Wrist Mirror, Flown on Mir (Soyuz TM-30)

  • Mir-Flown Orlan Wrist Mirror (Ex. Sergei Zaletin)